Blog Assignment # 7
The Art of Innovation:
The art of innovation has ten key points. First is to make meaning, desire to make money is important rather than just making money and the important thing is how can you change the world. Second is to have a mantra, companies may not show their main objective in their mission statements or slogans like Nike's slogan is "just do it" but their mantra is "authentic athletic performance". Third one is jump to the next curve, at first ice was harvested from cold areas then in factories and finally every household had its own ice making machine called the "refrigerator", so the next curve is always there. Fourth is roll the dices, an example of this can be the my key option in the Ford cars which allows you to put limits to the speed that your car can produce. Fifth one is don't worry be crappy, if the first Macintosh had worried about the bugs and issues then apple would never had become of the leading companies ever so in order to succeed don't worry be crappy. Sixth is let 100 flowers blossom, in this you should never think that what you think your customer segment should be and how they should use your product rather you should leave it to the customers. Seventh is polarize people, some will like your product and some will hate it and never be afraid as great products polarize people. Eight is churn baby, churn, never listen to people unless your product is on the shelf and then keep changing and evolving your product to put it in the best shape possible. Ninth is all the marketing you need to know, your product should be unique and valuable and not only that but it should be communicated to the world. The last one is perfect your pitch, you need to customize your introduction in order to attract the crowd and keep them with you till the end.
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