Blog Assignment # 4

Speed up Innovation with Design Thinking:

Everyone loves to talk about innovation but few know how to achieve it. In a company, some goes to the upper management or the board with a innovative new idea but he is shot down with the first question which is usually that how much will it cost. Followed by this question is usually that how much return is expected. After that, they ask how long will it take and also what will the competition do and so on. Organizations which are determined to innovate should have the vision which architects, designers and artists work. They initiate with a sketch, show it to others, get their feedback and sketch again. This approach of design thinking can be used by anyone. There are four ways to innovate like a designer; just start, team up, think in terms of option, and make things, break things and visualize things. Just start and do not wait to settle on plans and budgets. Team up and never make the innovation in process alone. Do not think about solutions rather think in terms of lots of options. The last important thing is to make, break and visualize so that you can learn along the process.
